December 2022

Hello Friend,

I pray this finds you and yours well.

I’m sharing this with many friends, family, and ministry supporters that have expressed interest in my ministry and music over the past 25 years. I’ve been able to stay in touch with some of you for all of those years, many we have become acquainted and developed friendships with along the way, and for some of us, our paths in life have gone in different directions and yet, I still feel a connection with you in spirit. Wherever you are on that spectrum, know that Kathryn and I value your interest in and support of my ministry and music and even more, we value your friendship.

Over the past 25 years, I have performed and ministered in more than 2500 events in churches, auditoriums, sports arenas, cruise ships, prisons, and even Carnegie Hall. Through the mediums of television and Internet I have been able to minister to millions all across the globe. 

At Carnegie Hall with The Imperials

With Three Bridges at National Quartet Convention

God’s initial calling to me was to “bring comfort, strength, and encouragement to people” and to “sing His praise to the ends of the earth” and I can honestly say, everything I have done over these years has been in an attempt to fulfill that calling. I have received tremendous testimonies of lives that have been changed by the touch of Jesus through a 3-minute song or a timely word of exhortation and encouragement. We’ve seen many invite Jesus into their lives and begin a relationship with their good Father in heaven! And over all of these things, my heart sings Psalm 115:1 “Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to Your name be glory!” 

If you will indulge me, I want to give a brief recap of what we’ve done over the past 25 years, a brief update on where we are now, and then a look into what is on our heart for the next season.

A look back...

Some of you will remember those early days in Virginia Beach when I had nothing more than some vocal training, a heart for God and leading people into His presence, and a lot of desire and passion for “singing His praise to the ends of the earth”. You encouraged me and supported our family in every way possible and eventually we moved from “paying to play” wherever we possibly could to seriously considering whether we should relocate to Nashville and “go for it”.

Well…with much advice, prayer, and tearful goodbyes we did “go for it” and it has been an interesting and mostly wonderful ride. Initially, it was solo events, a short-term missions trip, and financial partners supporting us. Then it was filling in with singing groups and auditions with both The Imperials and the Gaither Vocal Band. Then I became the lead singer for The Imperials, which was the fulfillment of a dream I had at the age of 12. Over my six years with that group we saw many challenges, some great successes, and many lives touched by Jesus. One of the highlights was performing at Carnegie Hall for the first time in that group’s illustrious history! Honestly, the greatest highlight for me is that it was during those years that the Holy Spirit gave me a renewed love for the Word of God that revolutionized my relationship with the Lord and really, my whole life, and that continues to this day. Thank You, Jesus!

In 2008, I realized that I needed to get off the road and invest in my 2 teenagers so we relocated to N. Miami Beach and I served as a worship pastor for about 18 months. Not only did this provide the time I needed with my family, it gave me time to sit under some wonderful teaching of the Word, and it provided me some much needed rest – it was almost a “sabbatical experience” for me and my family.

In 2010, the Lord brought us back to Nashville and connected us with Three Bridges. I had no idea that I would be the lead singer for 3Bs for nearly 13 years but during that time our children finished high school and college, got established in their careers, and got married to wonderful, godly spouses (family picture below). I also finished my undergrad degree. I have learned much about myself both as a vocalist and as a minister that I will carry into this next season and beyond. My favorite thing through this entire journey is all of the friends we have met and the truly deep, heart-level relationships that have developed!

Josh & Victoria Dixon, Caitlyn & Nicholas Smith, Kathryn & Shannon Smith

Recent days...

Nearly a year ago, I had an encounter with the Lord in which He told me in no uncertain terms that my time with Three Bridges had come to an end. When I approached Elliott McCoy (group owner and manager) about this, he said that he was praying about shutting the group down and asked if I could stay and help him finish well. I prayed about it and felt clearance from the Lord to do that so we have spent the past year in transition. As you can imagine, the past couple of years of the “Covid culture” has been very difficult for touring musicians. Of course, the Lord has been faithful but we have had to make adjustments at His leading. (For example, as a way to create another income stream, I got my license to sell life insurance and annuities in 2020. It was never intended to be a full-time source of income but just a supplement.) 

Throughout this year Kathryn and I have spent much time in prayer, seeking counsel from pastoral leaders, and even enrolling in a 12-week coaching curriculum to help bring clarity to my calling and this next season of life and ministry. We have spent countless hours asking the Lord and each other several questions: 

  • Was my original call to “sing His praise to the ends of the earth” still on my life? 

  • Did I even hear correctly about my calling the first time? 

  • Do I still have something to offer? Do I still have something to sing, say, or share that is relevant and will make a difference?

  • Does anyone want to hear from a middle-aged man? (According to music industry standards I was too old when I got to Nashville 22 years ago!) 

  • Do I still need to travel? (Quite frankly, I'm tired of leaving my wife multiple days/week for the past 20 years!) 

  • If I keep traveling, will Kathryn travel with me? How does that change things logistically?

  • OR did God want to move me in another direction; either another type of ministry or even into the business realm? 

Now, as we approach 2023 and beyond, I am excited to say that the Lord has confirmed and renewed His call on my life and my awareness of calling, passion, and anointing has never been stronger! I am full of anticipation and expectation of what the Lord has for us. In fact, I’ve heard the Lord say, “Everything you’ve done over the past 25 years was preparation for what comes next!”

Recently at a concert, a pastor asked what I was going to do next. I started to tell him and then he “pushed” me back against a wall away from everyone else and said, “Something is different about you from the other times you’ve been here in past years – you have a FIRE burning inside you that hasn’t been there before!” That was quite a confirmation of what I knew inside but didn't realize was manifesting to others. Many pastors are asking me to come and share the Word as well as sing which is a confirmation of what I’ve sensed for several years.

Up next...

So…while I am reenergized and excited, I am not just jumping into this next season without considering some things seriously. First, I don’t necessarily want to just continue doing the exact same thing I’ve done for much of the past 25 years, only as a soloist. While I am scheduling some events, I also want to take some time to reevaluate and even reinvent myself as an artist and as a minister. (One of the things I’ve noticed about singing with groups is that you have to sing what they want you to sing and how they want you to sing it, at least to a degree. You also have to make your unique calling and anointing subservient to the greater calling and anointing of the group. That isn’t necessarily bad, and certainly not a criticism of those I've sung with, but it does mean that you can kind of forget who you are and what makes you unique.)

I am meeting with a variety of leaders, ministers, producers, and artists over these months to help me determine the correct way to proceed. To be clear, I don’t plan to “burn bridges” or do anything that will overly offend those who have known me over these past years, but I do want to catch the fresh wind of what God wants me to do and the way He wants me to do it.

I also realize that economically, all of us are experiencing some turbulence that will likely increase in the next months and years. I do NOT want to go back to being “a starving, struggling musician”! Nor do I want to become “a poor-mouthing minister”! Much of the infrastructure that I have traveled with for the past 20 years with groups (transportation, sound equipment, recordings, booking agents, etc.) will not be there for me at least at the beginning. I plan to continue to work the life insurance business as much as I can while still giving needed attention to this renewed calling on my life. Kathryn is also working as a bookkeeper for two non-profit ministries based in the Nashville area. Both of these businesses allow us to work remotely so we are free to travel. Our hope is that these things will provide enough that we won’t be putting pressure on the ministry to provide for us, at least in the short term.

I am also re-associating my ministry with Artists in Christian Testimony (A.C.T. International) which provides me with 501(c)3 status so that I can receive donations to the ministry. (A.C.T. Int’l is a fabulous ministry that has grown exponentially over the past 20 years since I was associated with them. They now facilitate artistic ministers all over the world in a truly beautiful expression of God’s Kingdom. I know the Executive Director, Dr. Byron Spradlin, very well and he serves as a pastoral figure and a mentor in my life.)

 My request...

I realize that this has gotten a bit long and if you’re still reading, I thank you! Kathryn and I strongly value your friendship and prayers as we move into this new season. One of the things I've realized lately is how much I have missed having a dedicated team of pray-ers around me (my own fault for not facilitating that)! In fact, over the past 3 months I have struggled with upper respiratory sickness more than at any time in the past 20 years. As I was asking the Lord about it recently, He reminded me that I am missing a team of those who will agree with me in prayer, especially as I step out into the new season of ministry. If you would be willing to let us know you are praying with and for us regularly, it would mean SO MUCH to us.

Also we would like to stay in touch with you and keep you aware of what we are doing (and of course, we’d love to hear what is going on in your lives as well). You can sign up for our newsletter and be kept informed of our tour dates at the bottom of each page of this website.

Finally, if the Holy Spirit would spark a desire in your heart to help us financially, we would be so grateful for your partnership! Often at the end of a calendar year, people wish to give a special gift to organizations they really believe in. During this time of transition, we have significant needs in our ministry. 

Initially, much of it is to help us get established as we embark on this new season of ministry.

  • Transportation for touring

  • Sound equipment

  • Recordings

  • Monthly donors

Each of these things cost thousands to tens of thousands of dollars and beyond.

If you would pray about giving a special gift to our ministry before the year is over, it would help us get things started on firm footing. (Giving must be done by 12/31/22 to receive tax credit. If you want to give by mail, that information is below and must be postmarked by 12/31/22 to receive tax credit.) If you want to be an ongoing monthly partner in our ministry, we welcome you to join our team! Our desire is to glorify God and inspire people through music and the spoken word. I promise you that we will carefully use what you give to that end. If you would like to talk to me personally about any of this, please feel free to contact me anytime.

What a joy to have YOU be a part of our calling!

For Jesus and others!

Shannon Smith

Colossians 3:16


May 2023