May 2023
Welcome to Shannon’s eNews!
It’s great to connect with you! If you’re receiving this email you have either signed up in the last few months or at some point in the past 25 years you expressed interest in my ministry. I hope you’ll stick around for this season of my music and ministry…God has some great things planned!
News & Notes…
Ministry Vision - While I have been in the Christian music industry to some degree over the past 20 years (and will continue to be as the Lord directs), anyone who knows me knows that I am first and foremost, a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. My calling from the Lord is “to sing His praise to the ends of the earth.” (continue reading my ministry vision)
Website - I encourage you to visit the website often. It is being updated frequently.
Store - While you’re on the website, check out the STORE. There are 2 CDs and a USB drive with 4 recordings on it. New music coming soon!
Tour - I’ve done a handful of events so far this year (great times with great people!) and have some exciting news on this front coming very soon. In the meantime, we continue to add new events. To stay aware of my touring schedule, you can follow me on BandsInTown (
This past December I put out a newsletter that was a long, but needed update on what I’ve done over the past 20 years or so. If you care to read it, you can click HERE.
Social Media
While I intend to use the eNews format to keep you updated on significant happenings, perhaps the best way to stay up-to-date and even to communicate with me is to follow me on social media.
Instagram: @officialshannonsmith
Facebook: @officialshannonsmith
Twitter: @ShannonWSmith