June 2024
Shannon Smith Music & Ministries
4183 Franklin Rd, Ste. B1, #68
Murfreesboro, TN 37128-4255
(615) 212-2200
Dear Friend,
God is GOOD and He loves you (and me)!
“O give thanks to the Lord for He is good and His unfailing love endures forever.” Psalm 107:1
2020 Tiffin Wayfarer LW
Transportation update
Well . . . we did it!
Thanks to the Lord and the many of you that partnered with me, we were able to make a good down payment on the RV and on May 9th I took delivery of it. (See my walkaround video from that day on YouTube.)
I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has prayed and/or sown financial seed into this project. Your generous responses along with the profound peace of the Lord made this purchase process smooth and free of stress! The Holy Spirit made it so clear that this was His plan and provision that I told someone that I felt "I would be disobeying God to not move forward with the purchase of this specific RV." My wife, Kathryn, was in complete agreement as the Lord removed all doubt from our hearts and minds and we went into this joyfully and with thanksgiving.
And then as soon as I took delivery, I heard that nagging voice of the enemy saying, "Now just watch this eat you alive with maintenance costs and breakdowns." So I asked the Lord how to respond and He immediately gave me this Scripture, "The blessing of the Lord makes rich and He adds NO SORROW with it!" (Proverbs 10:22) He was saying to me, "When I bless you, you don't have to wait for 'the other foot to drop!' I have provided this for you because I love you and you are doing the work that I've called you to. Now I and my angels will take care of it for you as well." Thank You, Jesus!
I also want to thank those who are continuing to sow monthly or intermittently, thereby helping me to make payments and meet other associated expenses. I am so blessed to have wonderful partners that the Lord is gathering around me to help me do the work He has assigned to US!
I don't say "US" haphazardly - I really mean that. (I will share more about some things the Lord is showing me about partnership in an upcoming newsletter, but suffice it to say, partnership is not just some fancy word to try to get people to send money. It is God's system for sharing in His blessings and accomplishing HIs purposes TOGETHER! The entire Kingdom of God runs on PARTNERSHIP.)
Before I start preaching I better stay on the subject of the RV . . . if you want to join those who are a part of the ongoing RV project, it is greatly needed and appreciated! I have monthly payments, maintenance, and ongoing operating expenses to the tune of about $1500/month.
We made our maiden voyage during the last 2 weeks of May and everything went well. It has already made a huge difference in our travels and we just routinely look at one another and exclaim, "We are BLESSED!"
I will post a tour of the RV on my YouTube channel soon so I encourage you to visit the channel and make sure to "SUBSCRIBE" so you will be notified when I post something new.
Update on my brother, Steve . . .
My last update on my brother, Steve, was largely positive. While still not out of the woods by any means, things were trending in a mostly positive direction.
While we are still believing for positive outcomes and we do believe things are still trending that way, he has hit several post-op snags and things have slowed quite a bit. The most concerning snag is a blood infection that they are still seeking the source of but are also treating with the strongest antibiotics possible. He is still in ICU nearly 2 weeks after surgery because they don’t feel he can get the needed care in a regular room. He is dealing with a blood clot in his right arm and some other nagging issues. He was supposed to be getting daily wound care but as of day 11, he had not received ANY so that hasn’t helped. Thankfully, we were able to get that situation rectified.
While Steve has had his emotional lows over the past couple of weeks, he is currently holding steady and is finding much encouragement in the Word, gospel music, prayer, visits, and cards. Pray that he will continue to have the will to fight for life!
(As kind of a PSA, let me say this . . . I don’t know how people survive in the hospital without involved family/advocates! Steve has not had one minute without someone from our family being with him. I’m not sure he would have survived without that kind of oversight from us! No offense intended for those in the medical profession. They seem to be overworked and understaffed in my family’s experience and most of them are working unbelievably hard to give the best and most compassionate care they can. It just seems that the healing process is a team sport and it takes as much involvement from family members as possible.)
Anyway, thank you all for praying with us about this! We continue to thank God that He is, indeed, our Healer and we are looking to Him.
Healing testimonies
Several years ago, I received “a prophetic word” that people would be healed in my ministry events, not so much by me laying hands on them or even mentioning healing, but simply by being in the presence of God as I sing. I was given this word on more than one occasion and I have prayed over it and expected to see it come to pass for more than a decade.
Well . . . it’s starting to happen! In the past 3 months I’ve received 2 testimonies of healing that happened while I was singing a song during one of my ministry events. I’ll share one of those testimonies here:
On Sunday, March 3, 2024 I ministered at North Fort Myers Church of the Nazarene. This was a last minute booking as a previously scheduled guest had to cancel. We had a wonderful time of worship and the word together and in April I received the following note:
“My husband and I are both in our early 80s and are experiencing the aches and pains of senior citizens, particularly heart issues. We visited the church that morning to hear a gospel quartet but you were there instead. After the service, my husband commented to me that ‘something happened’ in his chest while you were singing. He KNOWS that the Lord touched him - not only emotionally - but physically! (This was not a normal type of response from him, believe me.)” In a follow up email a couple weeks later she wrote, “We just returned from a scheduled follow up with the doctor. My husband had been dealing with diabetic and heart issues. This morning the doc told us that ‘his numbers were almost perfect’ and my husband again commented, ‘Honey, I still say that the Lord did something in my chest that Sunday morning when Shannon ministered!’”
Praise the Lord! His Word does not return to Him void, but accomplishes the purpose for which He sent it (Isaiah 55:11) and He is watching over His Word to perform it! (Jeremiah 1:12) He gave the word many years ago, gave me the grace to believe it and steward it, and now it is coming to pass. By the way, the song doesn’t even have to be about healing - the gentleman above received his healing as I was singing, God Bless America!
The next time you come to one of my events, I encourage you to come EXPECTING to receive a miracle touch from our glorious Savior!
NEW T-shirts available!
Speaking of God Bless America, tis the season to break out your patriotic apparel. How about a new t-shirt that shares our heart cry for our nation? While so many are wringing their hands over the state of our nation, you can be a light in the midst of the darkness by INVOKING GOD’S BLESSING wherever you go!
Also, if you have been to an event featuring Shannon Smith in recent years, you have heard his mantra over and over again, “God is good and He loves me!” With this t-shirt you can give the world “2 thumbs up” along with a positive message of God’s goodness and love. “O give thanks to the Lord for He is good and His unfailing love endures forever.” Psalm 107:1
Finally . . .
There’s a lot of great events coming up. Be sure to check out the EVENTS page and bookmark it so you can check it regularly. Hope to see you soon!
By mail: make check payable to Shannon Smith Ministries/A.C.T. Intl
Mail check to: A.C.T. Intl, PO Box 1649, Brentwood, TN 37024
Questions? Please call me at 615-212-2200 or email me at office@officialshannonsmith.com
Shannon Smith Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit ministry in association with A.C.T. Int’l.
All gifts are completely tax-deductible as allowed by law.